startup page to help navigating Shadow Walker
- 🪶 关于我
Something about edony.
- 🚀 博客计划
Organize anything, together. Trello is a collaboration tool that organizes your projects into boards. In one glance, know what’s being worked on, who’s working on what, and where something is in a process.
- 🔧 Projects
GitHub - edonyzpc/side-projects: Personal side project about my product idea and prototype.
Personal side project about my product idea and prototype. - GitHub - edonyzpc/side-projects: Personal side project about my product idea and prototype.
- ✈️ 夨坕电报

- 📌 个人清单
个人清单 - Shadow Walker 松烟阁
- 🆘 打赏一下
This blog site is open to contribute and, of course, you can contact me with any ways with the following list: emailtwittergithubIf you are enjoying about my writing then please support my work and enthusiasm by buying me a coffee on PayPal. 如果你是喜欢我的国内用户,你也可以用微信打赏一下。
- 🔨 旧博归档
Shadow Walker
Old Shadow Walker Blog Site
- 🎙 使用手册
🚀 松烟阁使用指南
博客托管平台切换之后,由于 Ghost 支持的能力有所拓展,所以在松烟阁加了一些彩蛋留给有心人自己去探索和发现。这份使用指南,是我个人“数字花园”的使用手册,就像产品文档一样会一直保持更新。写这份文档最大的目的是给阅读和使用松烟阁的人增加一些“上下文”,让大家得心应手地交流。 这里除了基本的历史背景、来历介绍之外,还会留下一些被我刻意隐藏起来的彩蛋,里面会有一些相对私密或者个性化的内容(还在建设中),例如自传(请容许自恋地给自己写自传)、一些私人的思考、podcast、影视图文的数字展厅等等。 松烟阁前世今生松烟阁也叫做 Shadow Walker,始于2013。当时还是穷学生用的 GitHu…
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